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Specifically, you are much more likely to advocate U.S. military intervention in Ukraine if you’re also someone who can’t find Ukraine on a map. On March 28-31, 2014, we asked a national sample of 2,066 Americans (fielded via Survey Sampling A couple of popular outdoor concert series have already started – I’m looking at you, Airlie Gardens and Mayfaire Music on the Town – with arguably the most popular, the Downtown Sundown concert series in downtown Wilmington, set to kick off May 23. GREENSBORO – There’s a sense of melancholy surrounding this year’s Big East basketball tournament in New York. For good reason. This will be the event’s last hurrah because of the breakoff of the Catholic Seven and league’s imminent demise. By Downtown’s new wine bar The Fortunate Glass (29 S. Front St.) has been busy since opening in the thick of last week’s crazy rain. About 200 people stopped by Thursday night, Sept. 30, to toast the cozy shop that boasts more than 300 labels, owner A fortnightly summary of HIV research news. HIV treatment is not a cure, but it is keeping millions of people well. Start learning about it in this section. Just diagnosed In this section we have answered some of the questions you might have if you have Being LGBT in Asia: the Indonesia Country Report provides an overview of LGBT rights in Indonesia including the effects of laws, policies, culture and social attitudes, and religion, based on research, consultation and the National LGBT Community Dialogue .
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